Contact Center Enterprise Edition  
  Multimedia Contact Center

The Mitel Multimedia Contact Center is an advanced multi channel routing solution that manages the routing of voice, emails, web chats and faxes to the longest idle agent or preferred agent.

Today’s contact center customers want the flexibility to contact you in the media of their choice – voice, email, web chat, or fax – and expect you to be just as responsive in these media as you traditionally have been on the phone. As a result, businesses need a solution that allows them to efficiently integrate and maintain service levels across all types of communication, as well as monitor and report on them.

  Mitel’s Multimedia Contact Center enables you to accomplish this. It transforms a typical voice ACD operation into a fully enabled multi-channel contact center that can:
  • Efficiently deliver service to customers in the media of their choice
  • Maintain service levels across all contacts, ensuring all customer inquiries are addressed in a timely manner
  • Capture more detailed customer information than is possible during voice communications
  • Assist customers in completing online transactions, information queries or other web-based experiences with web chat
  • Protect against liability and customer claims with accurate tracking and reporting on all contact types

The Multimedia Contact Center integrates with Microsoft Exchange® 2000+ and Microsoft Office 2000+ using Microsoft Outlook® plug-ins to provide:

  • Automated routing of all supported media types (where voice is first optimized via Mitel’s Voice Automatic Call Distribution)
  • Real-time monitoring of all multimedia enabled agents and queues
  • Historical reporting of all supported media types
  • Agent forecasting for voice only
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