Enterprise Management  
  Call Accounting

Call Accounting need

To optimize your business potential, you need to know if your telecommunication costs are excessive and if so, why? Are employees making unauthorized telephone calls? Are you using your ingoing, outgoing and bi-directional trunks efficiently? Are you using the most cost-effective carriers for your trunks? You need a call accounting solution that will answer these questions and help you to use your resources most efficiently.


Mitel® Call Accounting is a comprehensive call costing solution that is available as a standalone application or as a multi-site solution. Robust and reliable, Call Accounting enables you to monitor and control telecommunication costs, and gives you a true picture of how much is being spent and who is spending it.

  Call Accounting enables managers to:
  • Monitor usage and establish call patterns for departments and work groups
  • Track, report and control telecommunication costs
  • Perform cost recovery and carrier bill reconciliation
  • Know if costs are excessive due to employees sharing toll free lines, calling restricted numbers or making unauthorized long distance calls
  • Customize the rate tables included with Call Accounting or integrate a CCMI rate table subscription (purchased separately)
  • Utilize call detail data from Mitel OPS Manager, Mitel 6100 Contact Center Solution or directly from the Mitel Communications platform
  Call Accounting benefits
  Call Accounting provides advanced capabilities that enable managers to:
  • Incorporate data from multiple Mitel telephone systems to get the "big picture"
  • Manage call flow and schedule reports for  when they are needed
  • Know the distribution of telecommunication costs across departments and work groups and verify carrier bills
  • Resolve misuse of the telephone system
  • Produce flexible rate tables that are tailored to the organization
  • Fully integrate Call Accounting with Mitel 6100 Contact Center Solutions
  • Identify trunks that are experiencing technical difficulties and are not hanging up properly (Optional Traffic Module)
  • Bill back departments, employees and customers using markup or discount pricing (Optional Subscriber Module)
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