  Mitel Teleworker Solution

The Mitel Teleworker Solution enables businesses of all sizes to easily enjoy the benefits of teleworking through a low-cost, "plug and work" solution that extends the corporate network to virtually any location. Businesses can now benefit from reduced overhead and increased employee retention while users can be more flexible and productive in how they work.

The Teleworker Solution is easily implemented using a range of standard Mitel IP phones and either the Mitel 3300 IP Communications Platform, or SX-200 IP Communications Platform

  The Teleworker Solution provides:
  • Flexibility and familiarity through using a standard Mitel IP Phone
  • Transparent access to corporate voice and data services
  • High levels of security
  • Seamless integration with Microsoft® Windows clients for access to the corporate data network
  • Scalability with support for large numbers of remote workers
  • Plug-and-work simplicity
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